Monday, October 25, 2010

Another book at Smashwords!

I published my newest book, In the Garden of Disgrace, to Smashwords last night. This is the story of Lord Sutherfield's sister Jillian.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


My newest book is up on Smashwords, another story that's close to my heart. In the Garden of Seduction is Lord Sutherfield's story. He appeared briefly in In the Garden of Temptation. I have a third story coming soon, In the Garden of Disgrace.

Smashwords is an awesome site, many free books being offered. If you haven't been there you should take a look.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Better late than never...

I've meant to come back and post about my experience on Smashwords as I go through the process, but my writing time is limited, and I find myself using that time to work on my novels rather than blogging.

First, I've published my first Smashwords book, In the Garden of Temptation. Let me say here that the title was very generously given to me by my good friend author Joan Reeves, and I've never been able to think of my book by any other name since then. Thank you, Joan.

The publishing has been a process but very enjoyable. I've offered my first story for free and it has (happy dance!) been downloaded over 600 times. For me as a writer there is nothing more important than sharing my words. Money's great, don't get me wrong. But this story has been close to my heart, edited many, many times, requested by editors and almost sold. So to anyone who has taken the time to download and read it, thank you.

I'm working on a second book to publish on Smashwords, hopefully before week's end. It is the second book in what I call my "Garden" series, In the Garden of Seduction. I'll be offering it for a modest price with approximately 30% as a free sample. I'm still new at this, so if anyone has a suggestion as to what would entice readers to download a book (I already understand free ;)) I'd love to hear.

Happy Wednesday...

Friday, September 17, 2010

And so it begins...

I set this blog up many weeks ago to introduce Lord of Always, my new book from Cerridwen Press and have since struggled with what my focus should be with regard to posts. As a writer, at least initially, I've wanted to discuss some of my journey from unpublished to published, the parts that aren't too boring that is. And that's been my problem, of course. It's all seemed rather boring to me. Where to start, how to begin...

And then I discovered What an awesome site for a writer! So here's my plan: I'm going to publish one of my novels through Smashwords, and I'll be discussing the process as I go.

Wish me luck. I'm about to step out of my safety zone and into that quagmire called self-publishing. Yikes! Be still my heart.

Sunday, May 2, 2010